Asociația Ziariștilor Independenți din România (AZIR) – Secția Română a Asociației Jurnaliștilor Europeni (AEJ) – protestează împotriva abuzurilor și atacurilor concertate la care este supusă presa liberă din Belarus.
Redăm, mai jos, comunicatul integral emis de către AEJ:
“The Association of European Journalists condemns the Belarussian authorities’ violent suppression of free media, targeted attacks against journalists, and the denial of accreditations and deportations of large numbers of journalists. Those and other arbitrary actions have been taken to prevent journalists from reporting on legitimate protests against alleged election fraud and other government abuses.
The AEJ urges the European Union, the OSCE and the UN Human Rights Council to use their influence to bring an end to the repression of journalists in Belarus and to ensure their protection from violence and judicial harassment….